Mariconda e Associati Studio Legale

Request for recusal of arbitrator and appealability

04/10/2018 A recent Supreme Court of Cassation decision concerned a tribunal President's rejection of a motion to recuse an arbitrator appointed by the…

New legislation surrounding medical malpractice

21/02/2018 Law 24/2017 (on rules regarding the safety of treatments and patients and medical malpractice) was approved on March 17 2017. In addition to setting…

International arbitration clauses and jurisdictional preventive regulation

17/05/2018 The United Sections of the Court of Cassation recently addressed the question of jurisdictional preventive regulations and seized the opportunity to…

Court upholds principle of hearing both parties

28/07/2016 In a recent decision the Supreme Court of Cassation held that: "there is a violation of the principle of hearing both sides when the arbitrators…

Rules governing arbitration proceedings between business partners

29/06/2017 A recent Supreme Court of Cassation decision found that in arbitration proceedings concerning disputes between business partners, the clause referring…

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Mariconda e Associati Studio Legale
