Porobija & Porobija


Virtual currencies - EU legal overview

22/03/2019 Virtual currencies have been analysed and considered by numerous policymakers at the EU level. According to the European Central Bank, the legal…

Virtual currencies under Anti-money Laundering Act

29/03/2019 The current Act on Preventing Anti-money Laundering (AML) and Financing Terrorism does not regulate crypto-assets. However, the proposed new bill on…

Overview of acts and warnings regarding virtual currencies

12/04/2019 Virtual currencies and attempts to categorise them have attracted widespread attention. For virtual currencies to be considered electronic money under…

Overview of act on loan agreements with international element

10/08/2018 The Act on Nullity of Loans with an International Element Concluded in the Republic of Croatia was created following a period of time wherein certain…

Act on Nullity compatibility with EU acquis communautaire

05/07/2019 Since its adoption, the Act on Nullity has caused controversy, with some Croatian scholars and judges expressing their concern about (for example) its…

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Porobija & Porobija


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