In this era of globalisation, there is a growing need for companies and business organisations to relocate foreign workers in order to perform various tasks that require knowledge, expertise or proven management capabilities (whether these tasks be permanent, long term or temporary). There is an increasing demand for Israeli businesses to employ this type of foreign worker. For example, according to data published by the Population and Immigration Authority, 2,500 foreign expert workers were employed in Israel in 2010, whereas there are now more than 6,500.

In order to employ foreign workers who are not Israeli citizens or residents, employers must obtain a special work permit from the Population and Immigration Authority's permits unit. The employment of a foreign worker without a proper work permit is a criminal offence, punishable by fines and other criminal penalties against the employer, its senior management and the employee themselves. Further, an appropriate work visa (B/1 visa) must be issued to the employee, which will occur only once the employer has been granted the relevant permit.

In general, a foreign workers' permit in Israel is granted to employers within certain sectors of the economy (eg, construction, agriculture, nursing and the restaurant industry). An organisation that wishes to employ a worker in Israel in a different industry must submit an application for a work permit under the wide-ranging 'expert permit' category, whereby it is possible to apply to employ workers in a variety of sectors, according to the criteria detailed below.

The process for obtaining a permit to employ a foreign employee is complex, bureaucratic and requires:

  • the collection and preparation of various documents;
  • the submission of an explanatory document to the Population and Immigration Authority;
  • the payment of administrative fees; and
  • the signing of affidavits.

After receiving a work permit, the Israeli employer should apply for suitable work and residence visas for the foreign employee, which will ensure that they can work in Israel and enter the country freely throughout the period of their employment.

Foreign employees are covered by all labour laws in Israel. In addition, employers of foreign experts are subject to various obligations under Israeli law – for example, to provide the foreign expert with medical insurance and suitable housing.