On 13 July 2020 ministerial decision ΥΠΕΝ/ΔΗΕ/66754/810/09.07.2020 of the Ministry of Environment and Energy was published in the Official Gazette (OJ Β' 2852/2020). The decision encompasses the new transitional flexibility remuneration mechanism (ie, the fee paid to selected electricity providers for the provision of the flexibility service). In effect, the fee constitutes a reward for the rapid increase or decrease of the selected provider's injection or absorption of electric power generated in order to meet the demand of the national electricity transmission system. Enrolment in the registry of providers presupposes the submission of an application to the transmission system operator. The prerequisites for registration include:

  • the supplier's competence to offer the 'flexibility service' (as defined in Article 1, Paragraph 2 of said ministerial decision);
  • the provider's connection to the transmission system, the medium voltage network or the low voltage network, with the exception of non-interconnected islands; and
  • the provider's non participation, as regards the power offer, in any other state aid scheme.

Further conditions for providers' registration and the enrolment procedure are governed by the Grid Control Code for Electricity. The new transitional flexibility remuneration mechanism is now in force and will remain so until 31 March 2021 or the date of implementation of the long-term compensation mechanism regarding the electricity system's power sufficiency, whichever occurs sooner.