On 28 June 2018 the Hangzhou Internet Court confirmed, for the first time, the effectiveness of evidence recorded via blockchain. As such, the applicability of blockchain technology in judicial proceedings has been thrust into the spotlight in China and become the subject of fierce debate.

Following the release of the Hangzhou Internet Court's official decision on 7 September 2018, the Supreme People's Court cemented the lower court's view by implementing the Provisions on the Trial of Cases by the Internet Courts. This is the first time that blockchain technology has been officially accepted in a judicial interpretation as a valid technical means for preserving and presenting evidence.

One month after the Supreme Court's judicial interpretation, the new Beijing Internet Court, which was established on 9 September 2018, heard its first case, Douyin (named Tik Tok outside China) v Huopai Short Video. Notably, the plaintiff in that case submitted to the court video evidence data recorded by blockchain technology.

For further information on this topic please contact Hao Zhan, Ying Song or Philip Wei at AnJie Law Firm by telephone (+86 10 8567 5988) or email ([email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]). The AnJie Law Firm website can be accessed at www.anjielaw.com.?