Latest intelligence

Planning ahead for possible data breach incidents

Pearl Cohen Zedek Latzer Baratz

Breach notifications cost, on average, $370,000, according to an industry report, but organizations that plan-ahead can reduce these costs…...

Colorado Enacts Artificial Intelligence Legislation Affecting AI Systems Developers, Deployers

Jackson Lewis PC

Enacting what is perhaps the first comprehensive regulation of artificial intelligence (AI) at the state level in the United States, Colorado’s…...

Pushing Reg S-P: SEC Adopts Amendments to Modernize and Enhance Regulation S-P

Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP

On May 16, 2024, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) approved amendments to Regulation S-P to address unauthorized access to or use of…...

Hemingway’s Moveable Farm

Claims IP

“If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a Young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a…...

China Continues to sanction US Companies under UEL Provisions

Zhong Lun Law Firm

Since the first designation of 'unreliable entity' in early 2023, China continues to designate three US companies as unreliable, and opens an…...

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